Saturday, January 9, 2010


Good morning, or should I say "good afternoon" as it is 1:12 pm. I spent the whole morning catching up on school work. I did enjoy a cup of coffee and a donut hole as well as a half a bagel with cream cheese for breakfast, real treats.

I was reminded this week that if I don't have things organized in my mind, my room, and my desk, that things quickly fall apart at the seams when you have 22 little kindergarteners waiting impatiently for what you have planned next for them, when you can't find the paper you need right then and there to continue on with your lesson.

It happens to all of us, but dis-organization has been my weakness for many years. I can't say it's there all the time, but when I get moving fast going from class to class, it's very easy for instruments, papers, music, gradebooks, and plans to become misplaced.

I'm not sure what the solution is as I have been suffering from this malady for all my years of teaching. After 20 years, you think I would figure this out, but I haven't as yet. Sure, I can clean off my desk and I can straighten my room at the end of the day, but most days I am so exhausted from the hustle and bustle of teaching 7 - 8 classes and then teaching at least two private lessons after school hours that I don't want to have ANYTHING to do with cleaning and straightening.

Unfortunately, I am not a morning person and therefore, getting into school early and putting things in order, is not usually an option, either.

What does God have to say about this? Well, I do know that he is in the business of bringing spiritual discipline into our lives. I do believe that it would bless him to have this spill over into our earthly lives as well. It all seems so overwhelming to try to fix everything at once.

Perhaps, like God, I should take one small area at a time, and then gradually over time, I will overcome the disorganization and live and breathe in a world or order, which will not only be a blessing to me, but also to God.

Signing off for now.......


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