Monday, January 25, 2010

Fighting to stay afloat

Good morning, dear readers,

Today or should I say this weekend was trying. I had no energy and just slept and did school work. I guess I did do some wash. Went to church. Felt defeated. Just don't know about this whole life thing sometimes.

I am going to need to rest in the frustration of what is all around me.

Lord, will you please help me to be strong today? Will you help me to get accomplished what needs to be done?

Will you help me to be an overcomer today?

I feel empty and defeated. I feel overcome by financial pressures and also by the lack of provision I can offer for my children.

I feel overwhelmed by the plans that my son is making for his education which involves going into the service.

My daughter is having issues with her weight. I am glad that that is something that can be fixed, but really question my ability to help her with it.

God, I just lay all of this before you and ask that you would give me a peace and a rest about it. It is all so daunting and I am afraid of the way that it will all turn out. I am afraid that my children won't have perfect lives. I guess that isn't realistic, now isn't it?

Life is full of imperfect situations that really I believe that my response is the only thing that God is looking for to be perfect. A perfect response to him would be to stop, listen, and trust. So, Lord, let this day be a day for me to have perfect responses to you, and if not, thank you for your grace and your mercy which I know accompanies each of your overtures to your creation.

Blessed be your name!!!!!

Signing off for now........

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