Monday, March 15, 2010

A Fresh New Day

Good morning,

I am thankful for the peaceful night's sleep that both my husband and I got. I am thankful that I was able to get up and put my mind to things that needed to be attended to in order to get my day going.

I just heard the creaking of the old wooden steps as my husband came downstairs. He turned the computer on. It's a Monday. That means, in this house, that he is looking over the finances and figuring out what bills to pay or not to pay.

Thankfully when God gave his son his mission instructions that he did not include in those final orders who to save and who not to. His blood was shed for all of us!!! It was shed for every man, woman, and child who ever set foot on this earth. The power of the blood of Christ is and always will be the most powerful weapon that could ever be.

Think about the most powerful weapon on this earth. It would have to be the bombs of mass destruction. Even when I think about the possible impact they could have on mankind, killing thousands of millions of people, the blood of Jesus far exceeds the reach of any missile that could be projected to destroy mankind.

Praise God for his awesome power and saving grace!!!!!!
Signing off for now.......

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