Monday, April 5, 2010

Comforting with the Comfort we Receive

Good morning,

This is my last day off for Easter break. I am blessed to say that I am feeling relaxed and anticipating going back to complete the rest of my school year!!!

God blessed me with a precious opportunity to minister to a sister in our church yesterday. She and her husband and young son are hanging on by a thread financially. I was so moved to not only hear her story, but to hear her heart and share her burden.

God gifted me with words of prayer that not only were an encouragement to my sister, but also to me. I was able to hear her story and feel her pain. I know if my family wasn't experiencing the very same thing, I would not have been able to fellowship her suffering.

I know God poured out His love and power by his Holy Spirit as I grasped both my sister's hands and held tightly, both of us agreeing in the spirit for God's provision in their lives to sustain and keep them.

These days, it isn't about God's abundance. It's about his keeping power and his grace to keep going. These are hard lessons to learn, but I believe that in the days to come we will need to rely more and more on his provision and supernatural keeping of our very lives.

This past weekend, I spent most of it proclaiming and praising God, even though, in my natural feelings, I did not feel to. I wanted to stand on God's words and praise him even though I didn't feel like it. Isn't that what a sacrifice truly is, giving something that is difficult to give?

I shared the need of my brother and sister in Christ with my husband and we both agreed to gift them some money. Not that we are in any place to do that, except for the grace of God, but I believe not only will it bless them, but also honor my Lord God Almighty!!!

One other thing that I heard from the Lord this weekend was that I was to "dig deeper" as I desire to seek his face and press into him in a greater way. I believe that I will be rewarded with precious heavenly treasures as I follow his lead in meeting him in a deeper way!!!!

Signing off for now........

Signing off for now........

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